Holy Cow did I need this quote this week.
My friend, Megan, Posted this on her blog and it REALLY spoke to me!
Quote from Lynn Robbins talk in the April 2011 General Conference:
A sweet and obedient child will enroll a father or mother only in Parenting 101. If you are blessed with a child who tests your patience to the nth degree, you will be enrolled in Parenting 505. Rather than wonder what you might have done wrong in the premortal life to be so deserving, you might consider the more challenging child a blessing and opportunity to become more godlike yourself. With which child will your patience, long-suffering, and other Christlike virtues most likely be tested, developed, and refined? Could it be possible that you need this child as much as this child needs you?
I must need SOMETHING because this little 2 year old, as cute as he is, has been trying my patience to the breaking point. Especially lately. Holy cow, I wonder daily how we're all going to survive another year. Let alone another child.
Prayers were answered on my Birthday this last saturday, though. He was the sweetest angel all day long! No fits, no arguing, he obeyed like crazy. We went and saw Santa, and he normally can't sit still for 2 seconds, and he actually sat on his lap and got a picture, and we had to TAKE him off his lap, instead of him scooting down immediately.
The next day....he was making up for being so good. Oh my gosh!
Hes so hard to discipline. I'm at a loss. I can't get him to sit in time out at all. No matter how much I hold him in the seat. And the kid is way too strong. He hits, pushes his fists into our necks, throws things at us. So if someone watches him for us, I get so nervous. But he's always so good for them.
So, I will now have to just read this quote everyday and continue to pray for patience. And hope we all survive another year....and another child.
I'll try not to cry now!
See, that's your problem. You're praying for patience. I once prayed for patience and was given more trials than I could imagine. Trials to stretch my patience. So if you stop praying for patience, all will be solved :)
But really, he's normal. He won't be unruly forever and just as he grows out of it, his sister will bring the word tantrum to a whole new level :)
I know kids don't always know right from wrong when they're young, but hitting and throwing things are definitely not okay and he knows better. I don't know much about parenting (okay, I know zilch) but I had a friend who said she started watching Nanny 911 on Netflix and it gave her a ton of ideas to better structure things around the house (and change her attitude about how to handle certain situations and deal with discipline) so that her child would behave better and listen to her.
I agree with Hillary -- stop praying :)
I have experienced and still experiencing the same with my little ones -- it does get better - keep your chin up!
Isn't it crazy what extremes kids can be from one day (or one hour) to the next?!? I'm praying for patience too - right there with ya!
Yay for an awesome birthday!
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