Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter picture madness...

I wanted to get some cute little Easter pics of Kai...I really don't know why I thought he would cooperate and "pose" or anything for me!! So it was a candid shoot... :P
Amanda went with me to take pictures of Hunter...neither boy was being helpful!
Here are some ok ones I got...

Amanda brought a basket of eggs. Kai would grab one, go to a bush, and throw it...go back to the basket and get another one, and throw it... *SIGH* I guess WE are hunting for eggs...

I think this is my favorite:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Famous for 1 minute?

So if you were the one of the millions of viewers of this last Sunday's "Sister Wives" on TLC, you would have seen me! If you happened to miss it, you can go here and watch the clip called "appreciation dinner", thats not the whole piece I was in, but its a preview. Sorry, I couldn't get it to imbed here. If you look hard enough, you can see the whole episode, but the part I was in was only in the last 10 minutes or so.
request autographs as necessary, I will try to send you mine! ;)